
Add pipefail, oneline example, shellcheck to README

icetbr opened this issue · 3 comments

don't mean to !/bin/bash, but...

use the pipefail Luke!

kool kids do it in one line, add an example, THE ENDING ; is REQUIRED

deploy() { echo "I am ${FUNCNAME[0]}ing in one line!"; }

for the README

shellcheck yourself before you wreck yourself

a linter for bash scripts

some nice tips


a good Make write up

make has a nice auto detection of files changed, and will only build what has changed

my 1cent

npm run start has a nagging delay of a few miliseconds, ./run.sh start does not, the article above shows an example

Well, I made my own, thank you for the inspiration!


hey @icetbr sorry somehow your contribution went under my radar. :( This was not on purpose.

Would be happy to collaborate with you, if you are up for it can add you as a maintainer.

Hello, thank you for your reply. I just gave do.sh a little touch up to suite my tastes, I expect everyone that uses it to do the same.

Does my version replace yours? Does do.sh user base find it better? I don't know. Maybe we wait other people input, and to to see if it gains more traction? Maybe just leave my comment here as a way to link both our projects?

I don't mean to take away the credit for "inventing" this idea by any means. I just want people to be aware of this.