
Change from 24 hour time to AM/PM

pyfb78 opened this issue · 2 comments

I know this is kinda small, but I was wondering if there is a way for vim-auto-save to tell you what time it auto-saved in AM/PM time.

907th commented

Hello, @pavanscoding! I no longer maintain this plugin. Sorry!
You're right that AM/PM time feature seems to be a very small improvement. You can try to implement it yourself. It won't be hard because the source code of the plugin is very small and simple. You will need to learn Vim scripting language a little of course. Use Learn Vimscript the Hard Way or any other book from internet.
Good luck and best wishes!

Hi @pavanscoding 👋🏾

Ideally, you'd want to change "%H:%M:%S" to "%I:%M %P" in the line below

echo "(AutoSave) saved at " . strftime("%H:%M:%S")