This project is to make real hardware AY-3-3910 player using the real part and is Arduino based, and should use the minimum of hardware component.
- abelykh0Toronto, ON Canada
- abittencourt12
- Bokoshi
- carlosfd1
- cbmeeksTennessee
- cgao0520BC, Canada
- CodeAsmThe Netherlands
- cybernestoGermany
- dbosnyak
- electrifiedUK
- erkin@vyos
- farvardinFrance
- ferbcn
- HenryDane
- ianfinder
- itoutline
- joostmarkerinkJoost Markerink
- khomutoffRedmond, WA USA
- khronos4
- kpennel
- laurentd75Paris, France
- m-alcuInetum
- RamazikDeutschland
- rampa069none
- shawtyDigital Solutions Computer Software Ltd
- shvesser
- weirdocollector
- wooandyHong Kong
- xmessner
- xotmatrix
- Yevgeniy-OlexandrenkoGameloft
- ZheTheBearV.A D R A M A