
A virtual joystick for touch capable mobile devices.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Axis Pad for React Native

A virtual joystick for touch capable mobile devices.

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npm install react-native-axis-pad --save


React Native Axis Pad: Screen Preview


Import it the way you want into your project :

// import module
import AxisPad from 'react-native-axis-pad';
Single Stick
// render
    onValue={({ x, y }) => {
        // values are between -1 and 1
        console.log(x, y);
    <Text>Optional Component</Text>
Dual Stick

Note: Multi-touch for Android is not supported yet!

// render
<View style={{flexDirection:'row',justifyContent: 'space-around', alignItems: 'center'}}>
        onValue={({ x, y }) => {
            // values are between -1 and 1
            console.log(x, y);
        }} />
        onValue={({ x, y }) => {
            // values are between -1 and 1
            console.log(x, y);
        }} />


You can configure your axis pad in react-native props : (All options are optional)

    size: Integer,              // Wrapper circle size. Default: 300
    handlerSize : Intager,      // Handler circle size. Default: 150
    wrapperStyle : Object,      // Wrapper circle styles.
    handlerStyle : Object,      // Handler circle styles.
    step: Float,                // Step size for values. Default: 0
    lockX: Boolean,             // Block to X axis movement. Default: false
    lockY: Boolean,             // Block to Y axis movement. Default: false
    autoCenter: Boolean,        // Move wrapper to center of your touch area. Default: false 
    resetOnRelease: Boolean     // Set (0,0) position on touch end.  Default: false
    onValue: Function           // callback: returned values { x:Float, y:Float }


Step size for all axis changes. Example: 1/3 is 3 step down, 0 and 3 step up. Total 7 values: [ -1, -0.66 , -0.33 , 0 , 0.33 , 0.66 , 1]


Returned the position values.

Is triggered when axis changed. "x" and "y" values are between -1 and 1.


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