
Allow downloading via https

perrin4869 opened this issue · 8 comments

Behind a firewall, http could be disabled in some usecases... it would be nice to be able to support downloading via https as well

And now it looks like http is no longer supported, you must download from https

Seeing same issue as @mrloop

@AshanFernando @henhal I think there's already a PR that resolves this issue #70

Yeah my CI finally failed yesterday... hopefully we can get a patch from @AshanFernando over the weekend or we'll have to patch-package this...

Package seems under maintained don't know how likely that is :(, will need to continue using a fork.

Yeah, but since this will basically break anyone using this package it might get enough people to chime in that it actually gets fixed haha
It's undermaintained but it did have commits 2 months ago
I hope they release version 1.0.0 so they can take advantage of semver

FYI: This package (dynamodb-localhost) doesn't appear to be maintained, with no new releases to NPM in over 4 years.

Solution: You can use aws-dynamodb-local, a maintained fork, instead. (Disclaimer: I am a contributor to this fork). It is a drop-in replacement for this package, and is updated to fix this bug.

Migrating takes about 2 minutes, with a full guide in the README. Of course, it's all still open-source and MIT licensed. Ownership of this new package sits with a registered charity, that is committed to maintaining the package into the future and is open to contributions from the community.