
Please deploy the new version that fixes the http -> https thing on the dynamodb-local package.

gabrielforster opened this issue · 1 comments

Actual Behaviour

When installing the package it gets a error when downloading the "DynamoDBLocal.jar" from the url containg a http. Cause the dynamodb-local package uses a url with the https protocol.

Expected Behaviour

When installing the package it should install correctly and do not throw a error!

Steps to reproduce it

npm init -y and add this package to the dependencies list. Then run npm install

You guys actually have the fixed version. U just need to deploy it plssss

FYI: This package (serverless-dynamodb-local) doesn't appear to be maintained, with no new releases to NPM in over 2 years. Despite our pleas, I don't think this is getting deployed anytime soon.

Solution: You can use serverless-dynamodb, a maintained fork, instead. (Disclaimer: I am a contributor to this fork). It is a drop-in replacement for this package, and is updated to fix this bug. This is a drop-in replacement for serverless-dynamodb-local, so to upgrade simply:

  1. Uninstall serverless-dynamodb-local, e.g. npm uninstall serverless-dynamodb-local
  2. Install serverless-dynamodb, e.g. npm install serverless-dynamodb
  3. Update references in your code, including your serverless config, from serverless-dynamodb-local to serverless-dynamodb (quite possible that you won't have any, as you just refer to it from your serverless config)
  4. (optional) Update your serverless config custom dynamodb key to serverless-dynamodb

Of course, it's all still open-source and MIT licensed. Ownership of this new package sits with a registered charity, that is committed to maintaining the package into the future and is open to contributions from the community.

There's an explanation as to the intentions behind this fork, and how it compares to other forks in the README.

In any case would be open to feedback on the fork - can drop create an issue in that repository or email me (address on profile).