

Primary LanguageJavaScript

nodejs typescript express

The most convenient combination of nodejs and typescript makes it easy to start a project quickly, reducing project configuration time.

If you don't like Express, you can just replace the app. No other files need to be changed. app.js



pm2 or nodemon

Cause O&M tools depend on production environment configuration, logs, etc., the dependency can be set to global dependency. Of course, it can be set to package automatic dependency, but this does not make sense in actual production.


 pm2 list
 pm2 logs
 pm2 restart app_name
 pm2 reload app_name
 pm2 stop app_name
 pm2 delete app_name
npm install pm2@latest -g
yarn global add pm2

More convenient to view logs and app running status.


The dotenv package is used to read environment variables from the .env file. Create it in the root of your Node.js app, then create the environment variable for PORT=8000.


Run multiple commands concurrently.

"start": "concurrently \"command1 arg\" \"command2 arg\""