
acme: allow multiple instances

kv-o opened this issue · 3 comments

kv-o commented

acme provides a very efficient way to organise a workspace but on the rare occasion, there is not enough space to comfortably fit everything onto a single acme window. On Plan 9, it is possible to run multiple instances of acme, but attempting to run a second instance on Linux yields the following error:

9pserve: announce unix!/tmp/ns.kvo.:0/acme: Address in use
acme: can't post service: 9pserve failed

It would be nice if different instances of the p9p acme used different Unix sockets so that several instances of acme can exist side by side.

[running autoreconf to generate configure script]

unaware of your specific requirements one might consider to run also an instance of wily

kv-o commented