
How to use v2 with secret from v1?

Kami-no opened this issue · 1 comments

Using non-hex version of secret and get error:

docker run --network=host --rm nineseconds/mtg:2 simple-run d9...
mtg: error: incorrect secret: incorrect first byte of secret: 0xd9


echo -n d9... | base64
docker run --network=host --rm nineseconds/mtg:2 simple-run ZD...
mtg: error: incorrect secret: incorrect secret format: illegal base64 data at input byte 43

PS: you can't use bind ":8080":

docker run --network=host --rm nineseconds/mtg:2 simple-run :8080 ZD...
mtg: error: incorrect bind-to parameter: empty host: :8080

Please check this description: https://github.com/9seconds/mtg/blob/master/mtglib/secret.go#L16-L40

Roughly speaking MTRPOTO proxy secret is bytes that are prefixed in a special way. If first byte is 0xee (an only type of secrets supported by mtg), then it is a FakeTLS secret.

This array of bytes is serialized in 2 ways:

  1. Hex (that's why you see ee prefix, because this is how 0x00 is encoded in hex by definition)
  2. Base64

What you do here is you have some secret in hex and you want to use it. This secret I expect is present as hex. So, if you prepend ee to it, then it should be a valid one: eed9... but also please remember that hostname is also appended to 16 bytes of secret.