
💚 A Better Nuxt 3 Starter Template,generate by nuxi.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Nuxt 3 Starter

💚 A Better Nuxt 3 starter template



  • 💨 nuxt-windicss - next generation utility-first CSS framework
  • 🤹 unplugin-icons - Use icons from any iconsets
  • 🍍 @pinia/nuxt - Using Pinia with Nuxt.js 3
  • 🌍 @intlify/nuxt3 - Nuxt 3 Module for vue-i18n-next
  • 🛠️ @vueuse/nuxt3 - This is an add-on of VueUse, which provides better Nuxt integration auto-import capabilities.

Use the Template

GitHub Template

create a repo from this template on GitHub

Clone to local

$> npx nuxi init -t xiaoluoboding/nuxt3-starter my-nuxt3-app
$> 🎉  Another rad Nuxt project just made! Next steps:
$>    📁  `cd my-nuxt3-app`
$>    💿  Install dependencies with `npm install` or `yarn install`
$>    🚀  Start development server with `npm run dev` or `yarn dev`



Make sure to install the dependencies

yarn install


Start the development server on http://localhost:3088

yarn dev


Build the application for production:

yarn build

Checkout the deployment documentation.

Related Template

  • vue3-starter - 🖖 A Better Vue 3 Starter Template,generate by create-vue.


MIT @xiaoluoboding