[BUG] Trade feeds are not displayed

Closed this issue · 4 comments

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  • I understand that if I do not agree to the following points by marking the checkboxes my issue will be ignored.
  • I have searched existing issues to see if the issue has already been opened, and I have checked the commit log to see if the issue has been resolved since my server was last updated.
  • I am currently on the latest commit of the branch when reporting this bug

Code branch that is affected by this issue


Bug description

No feeds are displayed in "Commercial feeds".

Steps to reproduce

Open "Commercial feeds".

Expected behavior


Bug flux commerciaux

Any additional context for this bug

Thanks to Shael-32 for filing a bug report on this issue. It’s really very inconvenient when you’re carrying goods and don’t know what the price will be for it at the place of purchase.

If it helps, this error appears every time you try to do a search :

[ERROR] GameProtocolHandler - Unknown packet 0x131(1)

I found the structure of this packet:

public override void Read(PacketStream stream)
        var type1 = stream.ReadUInt16();
        var type2= stream.ReadUInt16();

Fixed by #887