[BUG] Bug Cart

Opened this issue · 9 comments

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Code branch that is affected by this issue


Bug description

I was delivering packs by cart, I was disconnected. When I reconnected, I was stuck at the cart controls, and I couldn't do anything. No active icon.
This has happened twice: the first time with a car, and this time with a trolley.

Steps to reproduce
Disconnecting while driving the cart.

Expected behavior


Bug blocage chariot

Any additional context for this bug

old synchronization problem. When you rebooted the server, what happened to the hauler?

If I coded it correctly after server restart it should be unsummoned and you will need to summon it again at roughly the same location.
Upon summoning, the packs should still be loaded.
Shael, can you confirm this?
As Black-Judge mentioned, this is a sort of synchronization bug when logging back in while still riding. This is something I would like to fix, but requires a larger change to how logging in even works. (to allow characters to exist with a connection)

I couldn't restart the server after that, I had to use yesterday's database backup to get the server to restart.
And now I can't get my character into play anymore... I see the character selection page, then a black screen. :(

very strange, I also encountered this problem on the car, but the server rebooted normally and I entered the game without problems, I did not rollback the database

I created another character with the same account, to see if I could get into the game with it. And it works with the new character, but not with mine. :(
A suggestion ?

Please provide a db dump and a clean copy of the logs with just a server start and you trying to log in with the faulty character. (you can post on our discord if you want)

I sent you all this on discord
TY for your help !

Logs pointed out the issue why Shael's character was unable to log in, and it was not related to this bug.
The bug itself is still valid however.

It would be really great if this bug could be fixed, because it's really annoying.