
An Up-To-Date Free Discord Rich Presence Application for HypeRate in development!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A discord HYPERate HR RPC

How to use

install the project to a folder

install node.js from https://nodejs.org/en/

open cmd in folder of the project

run npm i

then open the config.json and put your id into the config

then node index.js as i havent setup a node run start script yet adding it to the to do

How to customize your thingy

go to https://discord.com/developers/applications and make a new application

name it what you want to display

go to rich presents and upload the pictures you want remember what you name them

go into the config and set the names of your large icon and small icon to the pictures you uploaded to your RPC app

copy the id and change the RPC id in the config to the app id of your discord RPC app

i will try to update these instructions when i need to