
Stochastc copula models for VaR and CVaR risk assessment

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

What is it

This project is made to calculate to calculate portfolio risk metrics Value-at-risk (VaR) and Conditional Value-at-risk (CVaR) using stochastic multivariate copula approach. The main idea of calculations is the following. Consider a multivariate financial time-series (stock prices for example) and transform them to log-returns. Then we do

  • Fit marginal distributions. Implemented: normal (best perfomance), Levy stable (heavy-tailed), generalized hyperbolic (heavy-tailed).
  • Fit joint distribution. We use multivariate Archimedian copla approach. Implemented Frank, Gumbel, Clayton and Joe copulas. For this copulas we consider a classical model with constant parameter (MLE) and time-dependend model where Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is used as a copula parameter. This extension of model could improve joint distribution fit about 15-20% more for log-likelihood.
  • Calculate risk metrics. WE calculate metrics VaR and CVaR using famous paper Rockafellar, Uryasev Optimization of conditional value-at-risk (2000). Authors proved two theorems that provides one to calculate metrics VaR and CVaR by minimazing special function and also build a CVaR optimized portfolio.
  • Assess goodness-of-fit (GoF) metrics. For copulate GoF we use Rosenblatt transform approach and calculate corresponding p-value; for risk metrics -- Kupiec likelihood ratio test and critical statistics.

More information see below in Mathematical basis section.

This project is made during the MSc program "Financial mathematics and financial technologies" in Sirius University, Sochi, Russia. 2023-2024.


Installation could be made using pip:

git clone https://github.com/AANovokhatskiy/pyscarcopula
cd pyscarcopula
pip install .

Mathematical basis

Marginal distributions

We consider the following distributions for logarithmic returns:


$$f(x, \mu, \sigma) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi \sigma^2}} e^{-\frac{(x- \mu)^2}{2 \sigma^2}}$$

The implementations is made manually and based on numba library. So this shows the best perfomance, but performs bad with heavy-tailed data.

Levy stable

$$f(x) = \frac{1}{2\pi} \int^{\infty}_{-\infty}\phi (t) e^{-ixt} dt$$


$$\phi(t,\alpha,\beta, c, \mu) = e^{it\mu-|ct|^\alpha\left(1-i\beta sign(t) \Phi(\alpha, t)\right)}$$

Here we just use an existing scipy implementation. So see details in the corresponding page. Parallelization on all available cpu cores is made using joblib.

Generalized hyperbolic

$$f(x,\lambda,\alpha,\beta, \delta, \mu) = \frac{(\gamma /\delta)^{\lambda}}{\sqrt{2\pi} K_{\lambda}(\delta\gamma)}e^{\beta(x-\mu)} \cdot \frac{K_{\lambda-1/2}\left(\alpha\sqrt{\delta^2+(x-\mu)^2}\right)}{\left(\sqrt{\delta^2+(x-\mu)^2}/\alpha\right)^{\left(1/2-\lambda\right)}}$$

Here we also use an existing scipy implementation. Parallelization on all available cpu cores is made using joblib.

Joint distribution

According to Sklar's theorem joint distribution could be constructed using special function of marginal distributions is named copula.

$$F\left(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_d\right) = C\left( F_1 \left(x_1\right), F_2 \left(x_2\right), \ldots, F_d \left(x_d\right)\right)$$

Here we consider only a class of single-parameter copulas known as Archimedian. Denote $u_i = F_i(x_i)$, so this copulas could be constracted using generator function $\phi(u_i; \theta)$:

$$C(u_1, ..., u_d) = \phi^{[-1]} \left( \phi(u_1; \theta) + ... + \phi(u_d; \theta) \right)$$

Here we use the following copulas

Copula $\phi(t; \theta)$ $\phi^{-1}(t; \theta)$ $\theta \in$
Gumbel $(-\log t)^\theta$ $\exp{\left(-t^{1/\theta}\right)}$ $[1, \infty)$
Frank $-\log{\left(\frac{\exp{(-\theta t)} - 1}{\exp{(\theta)} - 1}\right)}$ $-\frac{1}{\theta} \log{\left(1 + \exp{(-t)} \right)}$ $(-\infty, \infty)\setminus\lbrace 0 \rbrace$
Joe $-\log{\left( 1 - (1-t)^\theta \right)}$ $1 - (1 - \exp{(-t)})^{(1 / \theta}$ $[1, \infty)$
Clayton $\frac{1}{\theta}\left(t^{-\theta} - 1 \right)$ $\left( 1 + t \theta\right)^{-1/\theta}$ $[0, \infty)$

Classical approach implies that $\theta$ is constant parameter. We can estimate it using Maximul likelihood method. Now consider that $\theta = \Lambda (x_t)$ where $x_t$ is Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (this process cannot be observed and considered as latent process)

$$dx_t = \left( \alpha_1 +\alpha_2 x_t \right) dt + \alpha_3 dW_t$$

and $\Lambda(x)$ - a suitable transformation that converts an $x_t$ values to appropriate copula parameter range. In such stochastic case we can write an expression for likelihood as an expectation and then use Monte-Carlo estimates for it. We don't give this precise expressions here for the simplicity. But we can solve such maximum likelihood problem and also implement some techniques for Monte-Carlo variance decreaseing. Again we don't give a precise expressions.

This approach for discrete case was proposed by Liesenfield and Richard, Univariate and Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Models: Estimation and Diagnostics (2003) and used in Hafner and Manner, Dynamic stochastic copula models: estimation, inference and applications (2012). Here we develop this approach in continious case.

Risk metrics

Let $w$ - vector of portfolio weights, $\gamma$ - significance level, $f(r,w) = - (r,w)$ - portfolio loss function where $r$ - vector of portfolio return. Consider a function:

$$F_{\gamma}(w, q) = q + \frac{1}{1 - \gamma} \int\limits_{\mathbb{R}^d} \left( f(w, r) - q \right)_{+} p(r) \, dr$$

Rockafellar and Uryasev in Optimization of conditional value-at-risk (2000) proved that:

$$\textnormal{CVaR}_{\gamma}(w) = \underset{q \in \mathbb{R}} {\min} \; F_{\gamma}(w, q),$$ $$\textnormal{VaR}_{\gamma}(w) = \underset{q \in \mathbb{R}}{ \arg \min} \; F_{\gamma}(w, q)$$ $$\underset{w \in X}{\min} \; \textnormal{CVaR}_{\gamma}(w) = \underset{(w, q) \in X \times \mathbb{R}} {\min} \; F_{\gamma}(w, q)$$

Here we solve this minimizations problems numerically using Monte-Carlo estimates of function $F$. This calculations could be made in runnig window.

Goodness of fit

GoF Copula

For copula GoF we use Rosenblatt transform. For given multivariate pseudo observations dataset $U$ and copula $C$ could be constructed a new dataset $U'$ using Rosenblatt transform $R$. It can be shown that if copula parameters are found correctly then random variable $Y$

$$Y = F_{\chi^2_d}\left( \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{d} \Phi^{-1}(u'_i)^2 \right)$$

is uniformly disturbed (see details in Hering and Hofert, Goodness-of-fit Tests for Archimedean Copulas in High Dimensions (2015)). This fact could be checked using various methods. We use a scipy implementation of Cramer-Von-Mises test.

GoF risk metrics

We could also check a statistical significance of found risk metrics estimates. A simple likelihood ratio test proposed by Kupiec (Techniques for verifying the accuracy of risk measurement models (1995)) is following. Consider statistics

$$LR_{POF} = - 2 \log{\left( \frac{\left(1 - p\right)^{N-x} p^x}{\left(1 - \frac{x}{N} \right)^{N - x}\left(\frac{x}{N}\right)^x} \right)}$$

where $N$ - number of observations, $p = 1 - \gamma$ - significance level, $x$ - number of risk level breakdowns. This statistics has asymptotically $\chi^2$ distribution. So if statistics exceed the critical value then we reject our estimations of risk metrics.


1. Read dataset and transform to log-returns

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
moex_data = pd.read_csv("data/moex_top.csv", index_col=0)
tickers = ['AFLT', 'LSRG', 'GAZP', 'NLMK']

moex_returns_pd = np.log(moex_data[tickers] / moex_data[tickers].shift(1))[1:501]
moex_returns = np.log(moex_data[tickers] / moex_data[tickers].shift(1))[1:501].values

2. Initialize copula object

from pyscarcopula.GumbelCopula import GumbelCopula
copula = GumbelCopula(4)

For initialized copula it is possible to show a cdf as a sympy expression:


with output

$$e^{- \left(\left(- \log{\left(u_{0} \right)}\right)^{r} + \left(- \log{\left(u_{1} \right)}\right)^{r} + \left(- \log{\left(u_{2} \right)}\right)^{r} + \left(- \log{\left(u_{3} \right)}\right)^{r}\right)^{\frac{1}{r}}}$$

It is also possible to call sp_pdf() to show pdf expression. But the anwser would be much more complex.

3. Fit copula

fit_result = copula.fit(data = moex_returns, latent_process_tr = 10000, m_iters = 5, accuracy=1e-4,
                        method = 'scar-p-ou', seed = 10)

Function fit description:

  1. data -- initial dataset: log-returns or pseudo observations (see to_pobs description). Type Numpy Array. Required parameter.
  2. method -- calculation method. Type Literal. Available methods: mle, scar-p-ou, scar-m-ou, scar-p-ld. Required parameter.
  • mle - classic method with constant parameter
  • scar-p-ou - stochastic model with Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as a parameter. latent_process_tr = 10000 is good choice here
  • scar-m-ou - stochastic model with Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as a parameter and implemented importance sampling Monte-Carlo techniques. latent_process_tr = 500 is good choice here
  • scar-p-ld - stochastic model with process with logistic distribution transition density (experimental). latent_process_tr = 10000 is good choice here
  1. accuracy -- calculation accuracy. Type float. Optional parameter. Default value: $10^{-5}$ для mle, $10^{-4}$ for other methods.
  2. latent_process_tr -- number of latent process trajectories (for mle is ignored). Type int. Optional parameter. Default value $500$.
  3. m_iters -- number of importance sampling steps (only for scar-m-ou). Type int. Optional parameter. Default value $5$.
  4. to_pobs -- transform data to pseudo observations. Type bool. Optional parameter. Default value True.
  5. dwt -- Wiener process values. Type Numpy Array. Optional parameter. Default value None. If None then function generate dataset automatically.
  6. seed -- random state. Type int. Optional parameter. Default value None. If None then every run of program would unique. Parameter is ignored if dwt is set explicitly.
  7. alpha0 -- starting point for optimization problem. Type Numpy Array. Optional parameter.
  8. init_state -- initial state of latent process. Type Numpy Array. Optional parameter.

fit result is mostly scipy.minimize output

message: Optimization terminated successfully
 success: True
  status: 0
     fun: 177.0892776512386
       x: [ 4.399e-01 -6.596e-01  2.037e-01]
     nit: 23
     jac: [ 2.838e-01  3.853e-03  1.081e-01]
    nfev: 123
    njev: 23
    name: Gumbel copula
  method: scar-p-ou

Where fun is log likelihood and x - parameter set $[\theta, \mu, \nu]$. Note that real parameter (that is used in calculations) is copula.transform(x).

Goodness of fit for copula using Rosenblatt transform:

from pyscarcopula.stattests.gof_copula import gof_test

gof_test(copula, moex_returns, fit_result, to_pobs=True)

with output

CramerVonMisesResult(statistic=0.42269434603173295, pvalue=0.06291909568389753)

4. Calculate risk_metrics

from pyscarcopula.metrics.risk_metrics import risk_metrics

gamma = [0.95]
window_len = 250
latent_process_tr = 10000
MC_iterations = [int(10**6)]
M_iterations = 5

method = 'scar-p-ou'

marginals_method = 'hyperbolic'

count_instruments = len(tickers)
portfolio_weight = np.ones(count_instruments) / count_instruments
result = risk_metrics(copula,
                      marginals_params_method = marginals_method,
                      latent_process_type = method,
                      latent_process_tr = latent_process_tr,
                      optimize_portfolio = False,
                      portfolio_weight = portfolio_weight,
                      seed = 10,
                      M_iterations = M_iterations,
                      save_logs = False

Function risk_metrics description

  1. copula -- object of class ArchimedianCopula (and inherited classes). Type ArchimedianCopula. Required parameter.
  2. data -- log-return dataset. Type Numpy Array. Required parameter.
  3. window_len -- window len. Type int. Required parameter. To use all available data use length of data.
  4. gamma -- significance level. Type float or Numpy Array. Required parameter. If Numpy Array then calculations is made for every element of array. Made for minimizaion of repeated calculations. Usually one set, for example, $0.95$, $0.97$, $0.99$ or array $[0.95, 0.97, 0.99]$.
  5. latent_process_type -- type of stochastic process that used as copula parameter. Type Literal. Available methods: mle, scar-p-ou, scar-m-ou, scar-p-ld. Required parameter.
  6. latent_process_tr -- number of Monte-Carlo iterations that used for copula fit. Type int. Required parameter.
  7. marginals_params_method -- method of marginal distribution fit. Type Literal. Available methods: normal, hyperbolic. Required parameter.
  8. MC_iterations -- number of Monte-Carlo iterations that used for risk metrics calculations. Type int or Numpy Array. Required parameter. If Numpy Array then calculations is made for every element of array. Possible value, for example, $10^4$, $10^5$, $10^6$ and so on.
  9. optimize_portfolio -- parameter responsible for the need to search for optimal CVaR weights.Type Bool. Optional parameter. Default value $True$.
  10. portfolio_weight -- portfolio weight. Type Numpy Array. Optional parameter. If optimize_portfolio = True this value is ignored. Default value -- equal weighted investment portfolio.
  11. save_logs -- parameter responsible for the need to save logs of copula parameters search. If save_logs = True then function would create folder logs in the current directory and save copula parameters in csv file. Optional parameter. Default value $False$.

Calculated values could be extracted as follows

var = result[0.95][1000000]['var']
cvar = result[0.95][1000000]['cvar']
portfolio_weight = result[0.95][1000000]['weight']

Plot the CVaR metrics:

from pyscarcopula.metrics.empirical import cvar_emp_window
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as plticker

pd_var_95 = pd.Series(data = -result[0.95][MC_iterations[0]]['var'], index=moex_returns_pd.index).shift(1)
pd_cvar_95 = pd.Series(data = -result[0.95][MC_iterations[0]]['cvar'], index=moex_returns_pd.index).shift(1)

weight = result[0.95][MC_iterations[0]]['weight']

n = 1
m = 1
i1 = 250
i2 = 499

gamma = 0.95
fig,ax = plt.subplots(n,m,figsize=(10,6))
loc = plticker.MultipleLocator(base=27.0)

daily_returns = ((np.exp(moex_returns_pd) - 1) * weight).sum(axis=1)
cvar_emp = cvar_emp_window(daily_returns.values, 1 - gamma, window_len)

ax.plot(daily_returns[i1:i2], label = 'Portfolio log return')
ax.plot(cvar_emp[i1:i2], label = 'Emperical CVaR', linestyle='dashed', color = 'gray')

ax.plot(pd_cvar_95[i1:i2], label= 'scar-p-ou normal CVaR 95%')

ax.set_title(f'Daily returns', fontsize = 14)

ax.set_xlabel('Date', fontsize = 12, loc = 'center')
ax.set_ylabel('Log return', fontsize = 12, loc = 'center')
ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation = 15, labelsize = 12)
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize = 12)
ax.legend(fontsize=12, loc = 'upper right')


Goodness of fit for found CVaR using Kupiec test.

from pyscarcopula.stattests.Kupiec import Kupiec_POF

POF = Kupiec_POF(daily_returns.values[i1:i2], pd_cvar_95.values[i1:i2].flatten(), 1 - gamma)

and the output:

N = 249, x = 7, x/N = 0.028112449799196786, p = 0.050000000000000044
critical_value = 3.841e+00, estimated_statistics = 2.963e+00, accept = True

Examples of usage of this code coulde be found in example.ipynb notebook.