ERROR: Cannot install -r python_requirements.txt
leonheess opened this issue · 5 comments
leonheess commented
While installing when using pip3 install -r python_requirements.txt
I get:
ERROR: Cannot install -r python_requirements.txt (line 12), -r python_requirements.txt (line 20), -r python_requirements.txt (line 25), -r python_requirements.txt (line 26), -r python_requirements.txt (line 31), -r python_requirements.txt (line 34), -r python_requirements.txt (line 4), -r python_requirements.txt (line 45), -r python_requirements.txt (line 47), -r python_requirements.txt (line 48), -r python_requirements.txt (line 54), -r python_requirements.txt (line 56) and numpy==1.18.1 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.
The conflict is caused by:
The user requested numpy==1.18.1
audiomate 6.0.0 depends on numpy==1.18.1
ds-ctcdecoder 0.9.3 depends on numpy>=1.14.5
h5py 2.10.0 depends on numpy>=1.7
keras-preprocessing 1.1.2 depends on numpy>=1.9.1
librosa 0.7.2 depends on numpy>=1.15.0
numba 0.49.1 depends on numpy>=1.15
opt-einsum 3.3.0 depends on numpy>=1.7
resampy 0.2.2 depends on numpy>=1.10
scikit-learn 0.24.0 depends on numpy>=1.13.3
scipy 1.4.1 depends on numpy>=1.13.3
tensorboard 2.4.0 depends on numpy>=1.12.0
tensorflow 2.4.0 depends on numpy~=1.19.2
To fix this you could try to:
1. loosen the range of package versions you've specified
2. remove package versions to allow pip attempt to solve the dependency conflict
AASHISHAG commented
Hi @leonheess, I would be glad if you could please submit a pull request to fix the dependency issues. :)
leonheess commented
Hi @leonheess, I would be glad if you could please submit a pull request to fix the dependency issues. :)
I tried quite a bit but since audiomate requires 1.18.1 and tensorflow wants 1.19.2, I wasn't able to resolve the issue. Can you give me a hint?
michelleespranita commented
You could try to downgrade your pip version to 20.2.3, which allows you to install packages despite dependency conflicts.
moejoe95 commented
a solution could be to pass the --no-dependency
pip3 install -r python_requirements.txt --no-dependencies
AASHISHAG commented
I think the issue is resolved. Closing the ticket.