
Acknowledgements overlap with references

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I finished writing my manuscript and in the final compiled pdf the acknowledgements overlap with the references.
I have tried using \newpage, \clearpage, and \vspace, but nothing seems to help.
Screen Shot 2021-09-02 at 5 41 46 PM

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

It's difficult to diagnose this problem with knowing more about your manuscript and class file (version of AASTeX).

If you are using v6.3+ you could try switching to the now standard:


that replaces \acknowledgements. If you don't want to do that, then try putting the entire acknow block inside of a single set of curly braces {}.

You could also try removing all options from \documentclass[]{} just to make sure that there isn't some weird conflict.

Or you could post the code somewhere so we could take a look!

Our group had a similar issue. For us, we had a \software{...} command after the \begin{acknowledgments}...\end{acknowledgments} block, but before the \bibliography{...} command to cite the software we used. This seems to have caused a problem with the Acknowledgments block. Moving the \software{...} command inside the acknowledgments seemed to be a workaround for the issue. This isn't quite the correct place for the software references, but it compiled for us after doing this. So one possible workaround is making sure there is nothing between your \end{acknowledgments} and \bibliography{...}.

This seems to also occur in version 6.31 using \begin{acknowledgments}...\end{acknowledgments}. The issue is mainly that the acknowledgments block appears as a real "block" and cannot be split in the two-column environment. Just wonder if this bug has been noticed?

This is a problem with 6.3.1. The temporary solution is to just create a new section called "Acknowledgments" and avoid the \begin{acknowledgments ... \end{acknowledgments} environment. It was primarily developed for manuscripts that use dual anonymous review (DAR) so that this section could be blanked out. If you are not using DAR you don't need it.