
Dockerfile for ModelSim Version 16 GUI

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Modelsim on Docker

ModelSim Version 16 GUI Running under docker container. Created for use with VerilogDevEnv.

Build image

In order to build the image run the following command: docker build -t modelsim-docker <path-to-dockerfile>

In case current working directory is this run: docker build -t modelsim-docker .

Steps for Linux

First you need to exec the xauth list on your host terminal. The aprox result will be:

<hostname-of-machine>/unix: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 <some number here>

Then exec echo $DISPLAY. The result will be :1 or :0

Run the container with the following command:

sudo docker run -i -t --name modelsim --net=host -e DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix -v <global-path-to-project-directory>:<gloval-path-to-mounted-directory-in-container> modelsim-docker bash

Now inside the container exec the following command:

xauth add <hostname-of-machine>/unix:<no-of-display> MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 <some number here>

Where the third arg is the result of xauth list command on your host and <no-of-display> is the $DISPLAY host machine value.

Finally exec vsim and enjoy. :)