Customizing Color Palettes in dabest_plot
lijiawei88 opened this issue · 2 comments
I am currently using the dabest_plot function to generate a swarm plot and I'm interested in setting a custom color palette. However, it seems that the function only allows selection from a predefined list of palettes:
custom_palette Default "d3". String. The following palettes are available for use: npg, aaas, nejm, lancet, jama, jco, ucscgb, d3, locuszoom, igv, cosmic, uchicago, brewer, ordinal, viridis_d.
Is there a way to define and use a custom color palette with this function? If so, could you please guide me on how to implement this?
Thank you!
Hi @lijiawei88!
Unfortunately, the custom palettes feature is still a work in progress and not a priority for dabestr right now. Will add it under the "enhancement" tag. Will start work on this after clearing the other issues.
Got that. Thanks for your reply!