The original repository is needed for this to work. It can be found here: I got the idea to try this from a discussion I had on reddit:
To use this you need to follow these steps:
As you might have guessed you will need to have the app installed below your Linux Subsystem. To do this you will want to copy this command into the command line and execute it:
curl -s | sudo bash -s develop
You could also use the included shell script to handle the task for you.
Source (for future changes or issues):
In this repository is a copy of the xMing installer for windows. Execute it and install xMing on your windows machine. If it is installed succesfully launch it and go to the logs. The Ip should be listed under "XdmcpRegisterConnection:".
In order to use xMing with Linux type export DISPLAY=%ip%:0
into a Linux command line and replace %ip% with your Ip that you got from the xMing Logs.
Now you are ready to launch drc-sim. Type drc-sim-backend
into the Linux command line and check that there are no errors. If everything works you should see xMing open a small drc-sim control panel.
You can skip step 3 and 4 by launching the supplied shell file.
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