
Potential faulty RNG being used for Phoenix seed generation.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I have a very very very rare situation that just came to my attention.

I started using phoenix wallet earlier this year, downloading the app and recording the seed phrase.
I sent a small amount of bitcoin to fund the wallet and since have only used it once to make a small payment.
Out of curiosity, the other day I decided to load my phoenix seed phrase into sparrow wallet.
To my utter surprise the wallet populated with a balance of ~0.5BTC and a list of send and receive transactions dating back to March 2023, long before I even had this seed. None of the transactions in this wallet are mine.
I double and triple checked the seed and it is 100% the same seed the Phoenix wallet generated for me.
The seed was generated on a unmodified Samsung A54, with Phoenix downloaded from the playstore.

The only possible conclusions I can think of is bad entropy or somehow I hit the galactic lottery.
The odd thing is that if it is bad entropy, why haven't the funds be stolen yet?
Could it be that the implausible chance of 1 out of 2^160 happened and Phoenix generated me a seed that someone else has?

I am not going to steal this person's funds. However I would like to warn them somehow that their seed phrase is at risk. If anyone has a good idea, please share.

pm47 commented

Hello, please send your app logs (Settings > Logs > Share logs) to