AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty

This course from A Cloud Guru prepares you for the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder – Specialty certification exam and also teaches you how to design and build engaging voice experiences for Amazon Alexa using Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Getting Started

The code for the Adventure Guru Alexa skill is broken out by lecture. For example, the Connecting Lambda to DynamoDB chapter has an associated folder in the repo called Connecting_Lambda_to_DynamoDB. In each folder you may find multiple files:

  • - The Python code for the skill.
  • - The Lambda function deployment package. If this file is not present, use the deployment package from the previous chapter.
  • en-US.json - The language model, which can be uploaded using the JSON Editor on the Alexa Developer Console.

The final certified skill (minus In-Skill Purchasing) can be found in the Alexa Skills Store.


You will need the following tools installed locally for skill development.

  • Python - The Adventure Guru skill is authored in Python.
  • Visual Studio Code - The IDE (Integrated Development Environment) used for development.
  • Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) SDK for Python - The Software Development Kit (SDK) that makes it easy to author skills in Python.
  • Alexa Skills Kit Command Line Interface (ASK CLI) - The Alexa Skills Kit Command Line Interface (ASK CLI) is a tool used to manage Alexa skills from the command line.


  • Kesha Williams - Initial work - LinkedIn

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.