
Executing release.bat and Setting Environment variables

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Are there any alternatives to calling the release.bat/ file every time i open a command window in windows or terminal in linux?. I want to permanently set the environment variables rather than calling them every time i want to use opensplice dds. I've tried setting the environment variables on windows permanently from the advanced systems settings window. But doing so doesn't seem to solve the issue as the examples return an error stating invalid handle. Any idea what might be going wrong?

I am building an application that uses the opensplice DDS. I don't wish to invoke the final .exe for my application through command window. Instead i would like to open it like a normal executable by double clicking. I know i can call the batch script at the start of my application, but according to my understanding, whatever variables are set using that batch file is valid only until the command window is open. This is not desirable. What might be the right method to achieve this?. This lead me to think of permanently setting environment variables, but that didn't work.

Best Regards

You can copy all of the environment variables from, but make sure to assign OSPL_HOME manually, otherwise it attempts to use the current terminal directory.

Here's the relevant settings in my Linux ~/.bashrc as an example:

export SPLICE_ORB=DDS_OpenFusion_1_6_1
export SPLICE_JDK=jdk
export OSPL_HOME=/opt/VortexOpenSplice-6.9.190925OSS/HDE/x86_64.linux
export CPATH=$OSPL_HOME/include:$OSPL_HOME/include/sys:${CPATH:=}
export OSPL_URI=file://$OSPL_HOME/etc/config/ospl.xml
export OSPL_TMPL_PATH=$OSPL_HOME/etc/idlpp
export SPLICE_JAVA=java
export SPLICE_JAVAC=javac
export PATH=$PATH:$OSPL_HOME/bin
