
CORBA dependency not met despite no CORBA configured

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Setup at 15:43:58 for Vortex - Version 6.9.190925OSS - Date 2020-12-23

GCC: OK - Using version 8
  NOTE - Enable link-time optimizations (for release build)
GLIBC: version 2.28
MAKE: OK - using GNU Make 4.2.1
Perl: OK - using perl version='5.28.1';
Qt: Cannot find Qt libraries. Standalone demo package will not be built. Please specifiy QTLIBDIR.
at_check (2) and QT_VERSION is uic: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_644
Off. Qt tools on the path are not version 4.
GAWK: OK - using GNU Awk 4.2.1, API: 2.0 (GNU MPFR 4.0.2, GNU MP 6.1.2)
BISON: OK - using 3.3.2
FLEX: OK - using 2.6.4
JAVAC: Check Java 1100 >= required 106
OK - using JAVAC version 11.0.3
  JAVA_HOME is /opt/jdk
GMCS: Warning - No gmcs compiler found
   gmcs C# compiler not found, disabling SACS api build.
TAO: Warning - No TAO found
   TAO environment not set, disabling TAO related features.
JACORB: Warning - JACORB_HOME not set
   JACORB environment not set, disabling JACORB related features.
GSOAP: Warning - Not found, cmsoap will not be built
DOXYGEN: Warning - ospl_docs repo cannot be reached and doxygen not installed
  Generated documentation will not be available
  PROTOBUF_HOME is ../protobuf-3.14.0
C99: OK - supported
Python3: OK - Using /usr/bin/python3 v3.7.3
    Warning: Cython module not found. Cannot build Python DCPS API
    Warning: wheel module not found. Cannot build Python DCPS API
NODEJS: nodejs install dir not found - skipping build of NodeJS DCPS API and unit tests.
MAVEN: OK - Using Apache Maven 3.6.3 (cecedd343002696d0abb50b32b541b8a6ba2883f)
Key-value store implementations - SQLITE: Warning - Not found, LEVELDB: Warning - Not found
Configuration OK

The Configuration OK indicates that the compile should succeed, but fails due to:

[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] /home/username/c/opensplice/src/api/dcps/java/common/java/code/org/opensplice/dds/dcps/[233,26] package org.omg.CORBA does not exist

I suspect that OpenSplice developers already have CORBA installed somewhere that gets picked up by the build process. If you run the configuration on a clean VM, with OpenJDK 11.0.3 installed into /opt/jdk, you'll see that the required classes are not found.

Older versions of Java (1.6?) included CORBA, which appears to have been removed in more recent editions. Adding a dependency to the CORBA API may be sufficient to resolve this issue.