
Include IR-Remote

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Stock ROM includes a handy little app to use as an universal infrared remote. At first I planned to include it but now I'm not so sure anymore:

  • Since the last update there are far more additional libraries needed.
  • Most of these hint a connection with alibaba/baidu (chineese google).
  • I read some reviews that it comes with a default set of devices and is not able to "learn" new instructions.

So that's enough for me not to include it. This issus is therfore a "wontfix" for now and serves as a explanation.
Maybe some time later when I have the time I'll search for a working (open source!) alternative to include instead.

The people in this Reddit thread all recommend either irplus or Mi Remote controller. Neither is open source, though they both apparently work fine with all permissions disabled. Irplus seems to be very simple and highly configurable at least, with code updates on GitHub- I downloaded the Play version to check it out. Nonetheless, not for including here.

I did find this open source one called IR Remote. I downloaded the Play version (called Universal TV Remote), and it also seems very configurable and simple. However, the latest update on GitHub is from Jul 2014 whereas the latest update on Play is from Dec 2015. Build instructions say to clone his library project, but the link to it is broken, as he seems to have missed an 'S'. I encountered a build error I don't know how to resolve, so I can't vouch for the open source version. Given my lack of experience, the error is probably very something very basic and trivial: Error:Module 'IR-Remote-master' production: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/android/resources/ResourceFolderType.

ResourceFolderType sounds to me like it's missing some images, sounds and so on.
But like you said the IR Remote is pretty much out of the way. That additional library it requires looks like a custom made UI library so I would not recommend using it. Android Studio and any other App development solution have way better UI libraries included and they are also continuously updated.
irplus looks promising. At least their Homepage is on so I think their main repository should be there too but marked as private. It doesn't really make any sense to have the one without the other.
But I don't think I would be (legally) allowed to integrate the app (either as apk or in code) into my ROM.

Great news. I just tested irplus and it works fine.