
redirect_uri points to http instead of https

dlednik opened this issue · 8 comments

Is there a way to force this?
I have a site and it tries to redirect to http://domain instead of https://domain

@ADmad any suggestions?

ADmad commented

Why don't you initiate the login from a https page? The redirect uri will then have https.

The login is on https page

ADmad commented

Then the redirect uri generated should have https too.

For exactly which URL you are having problem? The redirection URL after auth is completed on provider's site?

Don't want to publish URL here. Can you send me an email pls. and I'll share the live site with you that is giving me problems. Tried to look through the source code of both plugins but I could not find anything weird so far.

ADmad commented

Sorry I can't provide support via email.

If you have set the loginUrl as string make sure it's full URL starting with https. If it's an array and current URL has https the loginUrl generated would have https too.

Only other URL the plugin sets is redirect_uri for social auth which would also have https based on current URL:

$serviceConfig['redirectUri'] = Router::url([
'plugin' => 'ADmad/SocialAuth',
'controller' => 'Auth',
'action' => 'callback',
], true);

You'll need to debug yourself and find out how / where URL without https is used.

This seems like a user error. I cannot reproduce with GitHub login and normal setup.

ADmad commented

One can also explicitly set _ssl true in the redirect url array.