
Active RAM usage counter

Brycey92 opened this issue · 3 comments

Active RAM usage counter in firmware across all modes, similar to the exit functionality. Toggle-able via the secrets menu

Any sort of system monitoring is going to incur some overhead. It's also not trivial to overdraw on the screen (see #380). You'll need to be quite careful with this.

Who is this for anyway? If it's for developers, it's much better to use ESP_LOGx and specifically target where memory is measured. I did that when managing fighter sprites, for instance.

Ah yes, it would be for developers. I wasn't sure whether the emulator had similar enough memory usage to the hardware to be useful that way. If it does, we can close this

What we call an emulator is really more of a simulator, since it's not even trying to accurately emulate things like CPU instructions or memory management. I still stand by targeted ESP_LOGx rather than a general overlay.