
console.log function-to-string.checker

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I am just starting with javascript, can you explain to me why console.log method is called twice when devtools is open.
Tks bro

good question. I'll write a blog this weekend to explain it.

sorry, I didn't run the 'chormium' debugging environment at the weekend, so I can only give a general description from memory.
when we run the code from the devtools console


It will actually be sent to 'devtools Host' execution


when the 'Console. API' execution is complete, it will be notified that execution has been completed


` args' is a serialized 'Remote Object',which is its definition:

we need to focus on the 'description' property because it' s the key, this is how it' s generated:

` Devtools' will use 'to String' to generate' description' property

so, we just overwrite toString method, when devtools is open, our function will be execute.

Thanks pro @AEPKILL

How will it detect? if I do console.log=()=>{};


devtools-detector will cache the log method, as long as you ensure that devtools-detector is loaded first, it will work even if you override the log method