Heating Rate Plots & Units check
jdelamere opened this issue · 2 comments
jdelamere commented
- Units from LBLRTM and RRTMGP are expected to be stored in the netCDF file as K/sec.
- Do a check at least to make sure those are the units in the netCDF file.
- Give the user the option to PLOT in K/day or K/sec.
- Plot will need flexibility in units.
- Check comments to make sure comments are accurate.
pernak18 commented
i think this was all addressed with the most recent merge of the code -- see 06dee09. with the possible exception of the "check comments." @jdelamere if you think comments in the code are sufficient, close the issue when you can. please and thanks
pernak18 commented
there's been no activity on this issue, so i assume it can be closed