
Knowledge of Mac for AI

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT





Notice: This project is still in development.

This project(koma) is designed to help users search for information on macOS.

Specifically thanks to the apple_cloud_notes_parser and neon.


  • [core] List all notes from Notes.app;
  • [core] Convert all notes into markdown;
  • [core] Get a specific note;
  • [core] Create a note using AppleScript;
  • [api ] Incremental index all notes and its paragraphs;
  • [api ] Semantic query in both json and plain text;
  • [api ] Summrize similar content;
  • [api ] Automatic sync Apple notes.


Restful API

The full api documents can be found in built-in OpenAPI document with url <Your Domain>/api/docs.


> # sync notes
> curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/api/rag/memories/sync.json"

> # list all notes
> curl -X GET "http://localhost:8000/api/rag/memories/list.json"

> # query notes
> curl -X GET "http://localhost:8000/api/rag/neurons/search.json?query=apple"

> # query notes but in text format
> curl -X GET "http://localhost:8000/api/rag/neurons/search.txt?query=apple&topk=5"

As a data connector in RAG platform.

By using OpenAPI this is easy to intergate into any rag platform, such as Dify.

Use it in Dify

In Dify, goto Tools and create one using <Your Domain>/api/openapi.json.




Docker Compose

Step 0: Prepare

  1. You have Docker or Orbstack(recommand) installed.
  2. Your Docker have Full Disk Access permission.
  3. Your Apple Notes.app folder is ~/Library/Group Containers/group.com.apple.notes

Step 1: Download the docker-compose.yml

> curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AFutureD/koma/master/docker-compose.yml

Step 2: Configure the enviroments

See Section Configuration.

x-shared_environment: &shared_environment
  SERVER_URL: 'https://example.com'
  PGHOST: '*.neon.tech'
  PGUSER: 'user_name'
  PGPASSWORD: '<password>'
  PGDATABASE: 'db_name'
  OPENAI_API_KEY: 'sk-xxx'
  CO_API_KEY: 'xxxxx'

Step 3: Run server

> docker-compose up -d migrate
> docker-compose up -d api


Step 0: Prepare

  1. You have pdm and uvicorn installed.
  2. Your Terminal have Full Disk Access permission.
  3. Your Apple Notes.app folder is ~/Library/Group Containers/group.com.apple.notes
  4. Configure the .env

Step 1: Download this project

> git clone https://github.com/AFutureD/koma.git

Step 2: Install dependencies.

> cd koma
> pdm install

Step 3: Configure the .env

See Section Configuration.

Step 4: Run server

> pdm run setup
> pdm run server



Key Description Default Required Example
SERVER_URL The Server Url used in OpenAPI http://localhost:8000 False https://example.com
PGHOST The host of PostgreSQL - True *.neon.tech
PGUSER The user of PostgreSQL - True db_name
PGPASSWORD The password of PostgreSQL - True user_name
PGDATABASE The db name of PostgreSQL - True password
APPLE_NOTES_FOLDER Used when deployed in a docker - False /root/group.com.apple.notes

Third API Keys

Key Description Default Required Example
OPENAI_API_KEY The api key of OpenAI used for generate embeddings - True sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CO_API_KEY The api key of Cohere used for rerank - True cxxx9Sxx4jWxxOWxxxp