
Ruby image

Closed this issue · 1 comments

There are two language server implementations:

Neither seem to work properly... will need to take a second look at getting the first one running as a container. Seems to be how the vscode plugin currently works.


Plug 'autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim', {
    \ 'branch': 'next',
    \ 'do': 'bash',
    \ }


nnoremap <F5> :call LanguageClient_contextMenu()<CR>
nnoremap <silent> K :call LanguageClient#textDocument_hover()<CR>
nnoremap <silent> gd :call LanguageClient#textDocument_definition()<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <F2> :call LanguageClient#textDocument_rename()<CR>

let workspaceVolume = '/home/jonathan/workspaces/foobar:/home/aghost-7/workspaces/foobar'

let g:LanguageClient_serverCommands = {
  \ 'ruby': ['docker', 'run', '-i', '--rm', '-v', workspaceVolume, 'mtsmfm/language_server-ruby:latest']
  \ }

Still need to find a good way to re-map the volume automatically, getcwd() from vim isnt going to be enough.

Also will require storing my environment stuff under ~/.rvm/rubies on the host...

todo list:

  • semantic completion / goto definition / fetch doc
  • improved repl:
  • debugger?

Looks like I've got everything I need for ruby (for now).