
where do I find the data file (train_data.csv, trade_data.csv )for those notebooks

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where do I find the data file (train_data.csv, trade_data.csv )for those notebooks

I have the same issue

Hi! You may generate those data by following the demo notebook here. The demo notebook is an example of getting data from Tushare, you may also try other data sources or even make your own data. Just to make share you have tic, time, and close in your columns.

I don't want to be disrespectful, but this part

!tar xvzf ta-lib-0.4.0-src.tar.gz
import os
!./configure --prefix=/usr
!make install

Looks very unclean and clumsy :/
Why we don't use conda here 🤔 like so !conda install -y -c conda-forge ta-lib ?

where do I find the data file (train_data.csv, trade_data.csv )for those notebooks

The files as well as the refined notebooks of Stock NeurIPS2018 were added in the directory
You can directly use the two provided csv files, or run the notebook Stock_NeurIPS2018_1_Data.ipynb first and save the generated csv files.

I don't want to be disrespectful, but this part

!tar xvzf ta-lib-0.4.0-src.tar.gz
import os
!./configure --prefix=/usr
!make install

Looks very unclean and clumsy :/ Why we don't use conda here 🤔 like so !conda install -y -c conda-forge ta-lib ?

Thanks for your suggestion.
Indeed these are not neat enough, but we have to consider about the case that there are users running the notebooks on online editors like Google Colab. Using conda could only be more inconvenient in this situation. But if there's a better way with elegant codes that work for both users on Colab and local/conda environment, feel free to make adjustment and submit a PR!