
I meet an error when I run FinRL_PortfolioAllocation_NeurIPS_2020.ipynb in BackTestPlot,please help me!!!

ccssyyy opened this issue · 1 comments

when I run this code as following,
with pyfolio.plotting.plotting_context(font_scale=1.1):
pyfolio.create_full_tear_sheet(returns = DRL_strat,
benchmark_rets=baseline_returns, set_context=False)

I meet an error as following,

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thanks for your help!!!

I get the same error, as i understand it "obj.iteritems" has been replaced by "obj.items" in pandas version 2.0.0.
Although changing "for stat, value in pref_stats[column].iteritems():" to "for stat, value in pref_stats[column].items():" in should fix this error it doesn't. Any clue as to why? how do i fix this ?