
Please solve this error: Could not infer dtype of dict

Anupa-123 opened this issue · 5 comments

RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 account_value_erl=test(start_date = '2022-08-25',
2 end_date = '2022-08-31',
3 ticker_list = ticker_list,
4 data_source = 'alpaca',
5 time_interval= '1Min',

1 frames
in DRL_prediction(model_name, cwd, net_dimension, environment)
102 with _torch.no_grad():
103 for i in range(environment.max_step):
--> 104 s_tensor = _torch.as_tensor((state,), device=device)
105 a_tensor = act(s_tensor) # action_tanh = act.forward()
106 action = (

RuntimeError: Could not infer dtype of dict

but what file are you running and what line number ? I am using this file and while testing line number 1151, s_tensor = _torch.as_tensor((state,), device=device) this line creates an error.

        with _torch.no_grad():
            for i in range(environment.max_step):
                # state =     torch.as_tensor(ary_state, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)
                s_tensor = _torch.as_tensor((state,), dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
                a_tensor = act(s_tensor)  # action_tanh = act.forward()
                action = (
                )  # not need detach(), because with torch.no_grad() outside
                state, reward, done, extra, _ = environment.step(action)

                total_asset = (
                    + (
                        environment.price_ary[] * environment.stocks
                episode_return = total_asset / environment.initial_total_asset
                if done:

There are a couple of other things you need to fix on that loop....

I sometimes wonder why they have uploaded a broken d=code....

Thanks a lot.