
Open Extension when text is processing

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This is more a feature than anything else.

I'd like that when Mycroft starts processing a sentence, the extension would open to let the user know Mycroft is doing something.


  1. I say "Mycroft what day is it?"
  2. Mycroft extension pops up with a loading animation.
  3. Mycroft starts speaking it's reply
  4. Mycroft extension shows what Mycroft is saying
  5. After 10 seconds the extension is dismissed.
AIIX commented

This is somewhat planned in the upcoming version, I still have to work out how to implement this as writing a whole new notification system isn't something feasible. It might take a while before the next release as it is a full rewrite of the current extension and I am still working around a native communication channel with Mycroft without the use of external dependencies.

AIIX commented

Added a workaround - Displays reply in notification when mycroft replies.