
Failed to execute the Kubectl get node command

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I got the following error when running command:

python3 kube-node-usage.py --cpu --sort=usage

"Failed to execute the Kubectl get node command"

Please note that I'm able to successfully execute the command:

kubectl get nodes

Thanks for your support.

This is due to the unavailability or the Kubectl command or configuration issues - With the new release we have completely removed the dependency of Kubectl and relying on only ~/.kube/config file and K8s API - Please try now.

my workstation is a Linux machine 64bit with Ubuntu 18.04 OS and go version 1.10.4 linux/amd64.

I updated my files from your repository and retry again.

  1. Launch ./KubeNodeUsage from release folder ==> "cannot execute binay file: Exec format Error
  2. Try to build the release from my arch with the command ./build.sh ==> Errors (see also attached screenshot)
    main.go:6:2 cannot find package "kubenodeusage/k8s"
    main.go:6:2 cannot find package "kubenodeusage/utils"

Any suggestions?