
USB Breakout?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Should probably add a usb breakout for this, no?

Ah, I see. I should just use a Pro Micro and no usb breakout needed! :)

Bengt commented

Yes, the Pro Micro acts as an interface between USB and PWM. I uploaded a photo of the board I am using since about a year, now. Be advised though, that it outputs a 12 V PWM signal, although the PWM specification says it should be 5 V. This was an misunderstanding I made at the time. As it turns out, my fans are tolerant to 12 V PWM inputs, so I never bothered to revise the board and Fritzing. The circuit can be made much simpler, if one uses the 5 V outputs of the Pro Micro directly, so patches are definitely welcome!

The diagram already shows the 5v pin of the molex connector driving the whole thing. Your picture looks like you hooked up the 12v (yellow wire)?

I'll be more than happy to patch. Little new to electronics, but I'll do what I can! :)

Bengt commented

Nice spot. That would be a bug in the Fritzing file, then. I meant to use the 12 V rail and must have misinterpreted the Molex connector. Yes, my board is hooked up to 12 V as originally intended.