D3fend Mitigation JSON Schema Error

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When setting up BRON through docker, I repeatedly get this JSON schema error. This does not seem to be a local environment issue.

'D3A-AAD' does not match 'D3-[A-Z]+'

Failed validating 'pattern' in schema['properties']['original_id']:
    {'description': 'ID from MITRE D3FEND. E.g. '
                    "'ActiveCertificateAnalysis'. TODO pattern",
     'pattern': 'D3-[A-Z]+',
     'type': 'string'}

On instance['original_id']:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tutorials/", line 268, in <module>
  File "tutorials/", line 249, in main
    _mitigations(username, password, ip, not no_validation)
  File "tutorials/", line 175, in _mitigations
    d3fend.update_BRON_graph_db(username, password, ip, validation)
  File "/usr/local/bron/mitigations/", line 113, in update_BRON_graph_db
    validate_entry(entry, schema)
  File "/usr/local/bron/graph_db/", line 322, in validate_entry
    raise jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError(err)
jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: <exception str() failed>

Thank you bringing it to our attention. Looks like there have been changes to the possible D3fend id patterns.

A quick fix could be to change the jsonschema pattern to allow for D3 and D3A e.g. D3?-[A-Z]+ on

We will get a fix out for this.

Hi, I tested out building BRON locally on Ubuntu and the correct jsonschema pattern is D3[A-Z]?-[A-Z]+ which allows BRON to fully build.

Thanks! I patched the schema.