
Aluminum layer

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Dear allpix community,

Some chips are covered with a very thin layer of Aluminum which makes them unsensitive to visible light. We have just implemented that part of the geometry in allpix. In the begining we though it could be what we call an "appliance", but revisiting this we thought it is better to make it part of the geometry. At the same time a little bug with the geometry building was fixed. Sometimes you could observe a weird overlap with the PCB depending on the size of the other components. This is fixed, it was a bug. I just pushed everything to AllPix_v1.1alpha.

This change doesn't break people's code. If your xml detector description doesn't include the Al layer, then it won't be included. This is the code needed to to include an Al layer (You can pick the material and thickness).

<coverlayer_hz units="um">0.05</coverlayer_hz>

The rotation of detectors still doesn't work correctly. The position indicated in the macro falls in the middle of the sensor as expected. But a rotation doesn't happen with respect to this point. I will finish this up asap.

Thanks to Erik Madox for all his testing which lead to these fixes.

I'll be happy to hear feedback if you guys try.



Again, the code needed to include an Al layer

<coverlayer_hz units="um">0.05</coverlayer_hz> <coverlayer_mat>G4_Al</coverlayer_mat>
