Large frequency limit of Selfenergy with frequency dependent interaction

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Dear developers,

I was wondering about the Hartree/high-frequency limit of the Selfenergy
when using a frequency-dependent interaction.
When I evaluate the local Hartree+Fock diagrams myself I get the same expression
as formula (3) in the hybdoc.pdf, except for the 1/2 in front of the second sum, which I think
is just a typo.
Though, when running a simple 1-orbital model calculation the high-frequency limit
of the Selfenergy determined by the solver differs from this formula. Its value is instead
given by:
(N is the sum of the up/down occupation, n is the occupation of a single channel, paramagnetic)

-2K'(0)*(N-1) + U*n

instead of the formula from the hybdoc.pdf and my derivation

-2K'(0)*N + U*n

Also for a multiorbital calculation with U,J this holds.
Do you know why this is the case?