Invalid html created from jade files
Closed this issue · 10 comments
When compiling the *.jade files for bootstrap the result is invalid - the html tag is opened then closed immediately.
Steps to repeat:
- view source
- result... < html lang="en"></ html>< head>...(more content; spaces added to prevent tags being interpretted)
Note that the html tag is opened then closed before the head tag is opened
Dear @simonjmartin I understand that a compilation is made ?!? could you please explain how did you compile the file ?
PS: as you may see, the source code doesn't mention the bug you are mentioning; the tag ends after the tag
Let me know
I cloned a local copy, dropped the starter-template.jade file into a local dev folder, ran "harp compile mysite" from the directory and checked the result.
But for the version I referenced in the original issue I simply navigated to the url in step 1 then checked the source:
Playing with my local version I'm working out the indentation issues in the jade file which is the cause of the issue
@simonjmartin I have no experience with
Don't you think that there is a bug with the compiler?
Have you tried a simple jade file like this one ?
or test the sample under the 'Syntax' chapter on
Jade compiles fine for me locally, the issue is the bootstrap jade files, the indentation is incorrect.
This can be seen by viewing the links in my previous posts. The html produced online is invalid, the html element is closed too soon.
@simonjmartin the jade file as well as the html are correct on the demo site.
Please try this piece of code on your local server and send us the result:
The code comes from the creator of Jade :
doctype html
title= pageTitle
if (foo) bar(1 + 5)
h1 Jade - node template engine
if youAreUsingJade
p You are amazing
p Get on it!
Jade is a terse and simple templating language with a
strong focus on performance and powerful features.
@simonjmartin you need to raise your issue with development team.
Do you get something different when you view the source for your demo page?
The Chrome Developer tools are formatting the compiled markup you see in your screenshot, there is no pretty indentation in the result sent to the browser. And in the version in my screenshot you can see that.
However I have solved my problem; I leave it up to you how to handle this issue.
Ok @simonjmartin but here is the result of a "Save as.." using a simple text editor:
tell us how did you correct the issue from your side for me to verify it on my staging environment.
thanks in advance
@simonjmartin now I see the issue; some tabs are missing in the source code. e.g. the grid layout is correctly indented and not the others.
feel free to "pull request" the code and amend the templates.
I'll do the changes during the summer