Waypoints not saved on mission reload (Persistence)

SanchezMilsim opened this issue · 0 comments


  • Can you reproduce the problem using ALiVE and CBA Only?
  • Are you running the latest version of ALiVE ?
  • Are you running the latest version of CBA_A3?
  • Have you attached an unbinarized SQM?
  • Have you attached your RPT (If the issue relates to data, also attch Server RPT and ALiVE Plugin Log)?
  • Have you attached screenshots of the Parameters set on the offending Module?


I edit a scenario with the Required, Profile and Data (Local) modules. Fixed persistence enabled in Profiles and Data. I include a group of sentinels with several movement waypoints and an end of cycle linked to the first waypoint. I start the mission in sp and the sentries move as expected. I save the mission status using the (ALIVE SP SAVE) button. When restarting the mission the sentries appear at the point where they were when I saved the scene but the waypoints do not exist.

I have verified that it also happens in dedicated. I have not been able to check it using CloudDB

Resume: Persistence is not saving units waypoints.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. [First Step]
    Open attached mission and start. Wait few seconds for sentry group move to first waypoint. Then Save with ALIVE SP SAVE button.
  2. [Second Step]
    Start mission again and then look sentry group teleport to last place they were but without waypoints. Use profile debug to check waypoints dont exist.

Expected behavior: [What you expected to happen]
Sentry group continue patrolling throw they waypoints.

Actual behavior: [What actually happened]
Sentry group is static in they last position.