Civilian Interact does not work in multiplayer or on dedicated servers.

barelycontribute opened this issue · 1 comments


  • [Y] Can you reproduce the problem using ALiVE and CBA Only?
  • [Y] Are you running the latest version of ALiVE ?
  • [Y] Are you running the latest version of CBA_A3?
  • [N] Have you attached an unbinarized SQM?
  • [N] Have you attached your RPT (If the issue relates to data, also attch Server RPT and ALiVE Plugin Log)?
  • [N] Have you attached screenshots of the Parameters set on the offending Module?


The Interact option does not appear when playing in multiplayer or on a dedicated server.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a mission with asymmetric enemy AI commander, and civilian population and placement.
  2. Find a Civilian and attempt to interact.

Expected behavior: The interact menu will open as it does in a singleplayer Alive scenario

Actual behavior: The interact option is not present. You can test in single player and it will work, but in multiplayer it will not work.
Note in some cases the host of a local multiplayer server will be able to interact but none of the other players will be able to. In a dedicated server it never works for anyone including admins.

I suspected in may be related to XEH but i dont have the knowledge of alive or arma 3 to confirm this.

Unable to reproduce without the following:
Please provide a list of additional addons used.
An rpt file with CS modules in debug mode and if possible the mission file.