Armour Types in the Virtual Simulation are extremely overpowered

Azraeel opened this issue · 1 comments


  • Can you reproduce the problem using ALiVE and CBA Only?
  • Are you running the latest version of ALiVE ?
  • Are you running the latest version of CBA_A3


Profile Simulator does not account for AT Capabilites within Infantry and other none Armour Types causing Armour to be extremely overpowered in Virtual Combat due to them having the most up and firepower.

// damage is calculated from each vehicle the entity controls

^ can see its fairly explained

Expected behavior: [What you expected to happen]
I expect AT Capable units to actually be able to produce more damage onto Armour Units

Actual behavior: [What actually happened]
This is not the really as they produce the same dmg outputs as if AT does not exist

This is only kind-of correct. ALiVE doesn't keep track of what weapons each unit is carrying.. this simply isn't feasible performance wise. The possibility for infantry profiles to inflict "AT" damage to vehicles is simulated though... otherwise infantry would never be able to kill an armor vehicle.