
Organize icons not working with Sketch 66.1

josep-gaspar opened this issue · 2 comments


It seems "Organize icons" option is not working with Sketch 66.1, at least for me. Here is what I found

  1. Drag and dropped a bunch of icons on Sketch
  2. Selected all icon layers
  3. Plugins -> SketchIcons -> Organize -> Continue

with v5.0.1
4. Plugin creates the artboards, one per icon, with the right name, but nothing inside

with v5.0.0
4. Nothing happens

Any idea?


It's the same problem on sketch latest Version 68 (102490). When the plugin organize creates the artboards but nothing inside

Same here. I was very excited to try this plugin. It was going to save me a lot of time, but on my first test it failed.