S/4 HANA Extend Business Process Scenario

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The main intent of this scenario is to complement an existing business process in an SAP solution – currently SAP S/4HANA with additional business process steps. This involves adding major logic and/or additional data and goes beyond simple UI changes.

This application showcases:

Business Scenario

A business scenario is used to showcase how to build a S/4 HANA on premise extension Application on SAP CP.

John who is an employee of Business Partner Validation Firm iCredible, which is a third-party vendor of ACME Corporation would like to get notifications whenever new Business Partners are added in the S/4 HANA backend system of ACME Corporation. John would then be able to review the Business Partner details in his extension app. He would proceed to visit the Business Partner’s registered office and do some background verification. John would then proceed to update/validate the verification details into the extension app. Once the details are verified, the Business Partner gets activated in the S/4 HANA system of ACME Corporation.

  • Custom extension application that works independently from S/4 HANA.

  • Changes in S/4 communicated via events in real time to extension application.

  • Compute intensive processing available on demand (serverless environment).

  • Vendor personnel needs access to only custom app


Solution Diagram

solution diagram

The Business Partner Validation application is developed using SAP Cloud Application programming Model (CAP) and runs and runs on the SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Foundry Environment. It consumes platform services like Enterprise Messaging, SAP HANA and Connectivity. The events generated in S/4 HANA on premise are inserted into the Enterprise messaging queue. The application running in Cloud Foundry polls the queue for these messages and inserts them into the HANA database. The Business Partner Validation Application also uses S/4 HANA REST API's to read data from Business Partner Data from S/4 HANA system. The Business Partner Validation App also places the processed events into a Enterprise Message Queue from where a Serverless Application consumes it and posts it back to S/4 HANA on premise system using OData provisioning.


  • S4 Hana on premise system.
  • SAP Cloud Platform account

For local development you would require the following:


The application requires below set of SAP Cloud Platform Entitlements/Quota

Service Plan Number of Instances
Enterprise Messaging default 1
SAP HANA Schemas & HDI Containers hdi-shared 1
SAP Hana Service 64standard 1
Application Runtime 1
Extension Factory Runtime 1


Step 1: Setup Cloud platform subaccount

You can use Cloud Platform - Boosters to setup the subaccount. Boosters Will create the subaccount with the required entitlements, subscriptions and assign the required roles to your user to run this application. Steps to run the booster are provided in link. You can create subaccount manually also following link

Step 4: Build and deploy the CAP application

Steps to deploy locally

  • Open terminal in VSCode
  • Run cds watch

Steps to deploy the application on CF

  1. Build the application mbt build -p=cf

  2. Login to Cloud Foundry by typing the below commands on command prompt

    cf api <api>
    cf login -u <username> -p <password>

    api - URL of the Cloud Foundry landscape that you are trying to connect to.

    Select the org and space when prompted to. For more information on the same refer link.

  3. Deploy the application

    Navigate to mta_archives folder and run the below command from CLI

    cf deploy BusinessPartnerValidation_1.0.0.mtar

Demo script

  1. In the command line interface run the command cf apps

  2. Find the URL for the app BusinessPartnerValidation-ui - this is the launch URL for the Business Partner Validation application.

  3. Launch the URL in a browser.

  4. Click on Business Partner Validation tile fiori tile

  5. The list of BusinessPartners along with their verification status gets displayed. BP list

  6. Login to the S4 Hana on-premise system

S4 login

  1. Enter transaction code 'bp' bp transaction

  2. Click on Person person

  3. Provide first name, last name for the business partner name

  4. Provide the address address

  5. Move to the status tab and check mark the 'Central Block' lock. Save the BP. This will create a new Business Partner lock

  6. Now go back to the BusinessPartnerValidation application to see if the new BusinessPartners has come on the UI new bp

  7. Go to the details page for the new BusinessPartner. Click on edit. edit bp

  8. Change the Verification Status to VERIFIED. You can also edit the street name, postal code also if needed. Save the data.

edit values

  1. Open S4 Hana system, bp transaction. Search for the newly created bp search bp

16.Double click on the BP click bp

  1. You can see that the central Block lock has been removed release lock

  2. The serverless application has also uploaded a QR code for the address details of the BP to the S4Hana system. You can view this by clicking on the icon in the top left corner. You will have to give permission for downloading the image.

attachment List

  1. You can also notice that in the BusinessPartner Validation UI, the status is now set as COMPLETED.

Known Issues

No known issues.

How to Obtain Support

In case you find a bug, or you need additional support, please open an issue here in GitHub.


Copyright (c) 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This file is licensed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.