
v0.7 add non-free dependencies

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Unfortunately, your adding of iAP added two non-free libraries. My scanner reports:

Offending libs:
* Google Mobile Services (/com/google/android/gms): NonFreeDep
* Google Play Core (/com/google/android/play/core): NonFreeNet,NonFreeDep

2 offenders.

Strictly speaking, your app is no longer (entirely) FOSS with this. I just had to add the NonFreeDep and NonFreeNet anti-features to your listing. As those libraries won't work on Google-free devices anyway, maybe you could consider a separat FOSS build flavor (without those libs) with the next release?

For some alternative monetarization options, you can also take a look at my snippet here.

You know what lets get the Google dependency out.

You mean which library brought it in? Neither-nor, I'm not an Android developer. But I see you're using gradle, so gradle :app:dependencies should tell you. Must be something you added in the last version, as it wasn't there before.

Got it updated

Starting from v0.8 there are no more google deps (non-free dependency)

Confirmed, Anti-Feature removed from the listing now (effective with the next sync around 6 pm UTC).

Btw: What happened to the "online" version? No APKs since v0.3. Is it discontinued (and shall I unlist it from my repo)?

Been busy with other work. I have big plans for the online version!

Great to hear – looking forward to that patiently then 😃

Yay! Looking forward to the next release then. Thanks a lot!