
The notification isn't shown properly

PalanixYT opened this issue ยท 9 comments

The audio player shows a normal notification, instead of using Android's built in "option" (I'm not sure what the right name would be)

Great project btw!

Can you share an image of the notification? Not sure what you are mentioning.

here vinyl is using the android player space, but mpl uses standard notification space

Thanks for pointing this out. Will take a look into it this weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

Did a bit of research. Not sure how to solve this? If you know more about this, feel free to contribute.

If you know more about this, feel free to contribute.

I think OP was referring to this. This blog might help.

PS: @ap-atul If you think this can be implemented to Music Player Lite, I'd love to work on this :)

@VishnuSanal I would love to have someone else contributing too. You can surely do a better job than me
Feel free to change/delete/update the code.

@ap-atul I tried this, but I wasn't able to get it working. I tried adding the code for MediaControls on PLayerSevice#configureMediaSession() and muting the existing notification. But, I wasn't able to get it working. I am dropping this. Good luck for implementing this from your side. :) Thanks for the amazing app, BTW :D I'll keep a look on the issues section & see if I can find anything to work on.