
Clicking fast 2 times registers 3 times

OofLmao opened this issue · 2 comments

When clicking 2 times in quick succession, the code will run 3 times instead of the 2 times you clicked.
(Although, I'm not entirely sure if this is an issue with my hardware or an actual bug with the plugin.)

Expected Behavior
I expect the send command only to run 2 times.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Copy down the basic code

  2. Reload the script

  3. Once opening up the GUI, if quickly clicking twice on the block, it'll run the send command 3 times instead of the 2 times you clicked.

Heya! this seems related to a vanilla minecraft mechanic for double clicking in guis,
if you deeply need this issue fix I believe you're better off
adding if gui click type is left mouse button to your code, this will limit the click types
to a normal left mouse button action


Yep, as stated above this is due to how vanilla handles GUI clicks! Also see the above comment for a solution :)