Filtering an error stacktrace to display only entries which are modified by user (views, models etc) and not in the app (e. vendors folder)

UnrulyNatives opened this issue · 0 comments

  • LogViewer Version: all
  • Laravel Version: 10.0.3
  • PHP Version: 8.2


There are several flaws in design of all log-viewers available for laravel. In case of this LogViewer:

  1. In the very long stacktraces, most of the entries refer to files which the app designer is not modyfying.
    If a typo or another error in the dev's modifications is causing the error, it is usually made in the views, controllers or models.
    Suggestion: These lines should be highlighted or, better, there should be a setting/switch to hide all the other stacktrace entries. Especially the Vendor folder

  2. This often is frustrating: if an error log is created due to the dev's mistake in a view file, the stacktrace shows the name to a cached file. It's name looks usually like this: 2e619b515765ecedc1846ab46626a28027e12e0b.
    Suggestion: I'd love to see path and name of the original view file, such as resources/views/partials._box_modelname_ver2.
    With current solution sometimes I am simply unable to identify the file which causes the error.

  3. I often prowse log files of my live site to trace errors and fix problems.
    Quite often the error log is generated if the app has a data integrity problem.
    In case of such errors, the code in a show view is usually OK. The problem is caused by a wrongly defined model relations
    In such cases a full URL is a must. Example:
    Knowing URL dives me a hint as of which record is flawed and needs to be inspected.

Steps To Reproduce:

Just see the stacktrace for any error output

Thank you for your attention.