
Viper not reading config in Builder service

Closed this issue · 1 comments

General Information

  • This is a: bug report
  • Captain version: main
  • OS: Debian 10 x64 LXC
  • Proxmox version: v6.3-3

Issue Report

When booting captain-atc as an executable (not as a service), the following error appears when attempting to create a plane as part of a formation scaling up:

1:48AM DBG building new plane PlaneName=tfwip1.firecore.lab

2021/05/30 01:48:35 /src/Captain/ATC/Builder.go:44 unable to trigger plane build with error:
unable to initialize proxmoxlxc driver:
501 no such file '/access/ticket'
[3.815ms] [rows:0] 
1:48AM INF unable to update formation with new planes WorkerID=0

The config file looks correct. It's possible there's an issue with viper becoming nil when the builder gets launched on a new thread. If that is the case, Viper would need to be reloaded on each new Builder launch (which is quite inefficient, but there doesn't seem to be a better way with how the code is currently constructed).

Related issues

Caused by #62

Never mind. The wiki needs to be updated. The url paramter should be https://<proxmox_ip_or_dns_name>:8006/api2/json.